Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Our entry at the

Sowmya and I have decided to participate in the Great Driving Challenge organised by Mitsubishi. It is a very interesting format and we hope to collect as many votes as possible and have a chance of securing the final nominations. It promises to be a great drive and we are very excited. Please support us by voting for us at
Also, please write a testimonial. Thanks!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Kapil Sibal's 100 day plan to revamp Indian Education system

Yesterday, Shri Kapil Sibal, Hon'ble Minister for Human Resource Development, Government of India announced his ministry's 100 day programme. This was much anticipated and has already attracted very diverse feedback from various cross sections of the society. Here is the plan as announced by the Minister.


1. All steps will be taken to enact the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Bill. This will be followed by notification of the 86th Constitutional Amendment in the official gazette.

2. Evolve consensus for establishment of an All India Madarsa Board.


3. Attempt to formulate a policy framework for PPP in school education, evolve a variety of PPP models, and apply them as feasible.

4. Further the use of ICT in secondary schools and in open/distance schooling through broadband connectivity.

5. Evolve a National Curriculum Framework for Teacher Education in consultation with all stakeholders and in accordance with NCF, 2005.

New Initiatives/Expansion

6. Explore possibilities of setting up independent, accreditation body in the area of school education.

7. Push the process of examination reform in accordance with NCF-2005. This will include making the class X examination optional, thus permitting students continuing in the same school (and who do not need a board certificate) to take an internal school assessment instead.

8. Introduce a system for replacement of marks by grades in schools affiliated to the CBSE for the secondary classes i.e. IX and X.

9. Recast the National Literacy Mission to focus on women.

10. Awareness generation and intensification of efforts in the area of Madrasa/Maktab modernization and skill development for Muslim children.

Legislative Initiatives

1. An autonomous overarching authority for Higher Education and Research based on the recommendations of Yashpal Committee and National Knowledge Commission;

2. A law to prevent, prohibit and punish educational malpractices;

3. A law for mandatory assessment and accreditation in higher education through an independent regulatory authority;

4. A law to regulate entry and operation of Foreign Educational Providers;

5. A law to establish a Tribunal to fast-track adjudication of disputes concerning stake holders (teachers, students, employees and management) in higher education;

6. A law to further amend the National Commission for Minority Educational Institute Act, to strengthen the Commission;

7. A law to amend the Copyright Act, 1957 to address the concerns relating to copyrights and related rights of the various stake holders.

Policy Initiatives

1. Formulation of a ‘Brain-Gain’ policy to attract talent from across the world to the existing and new institutions;

2. Launching a new Scheme of interest subsidy on educational loans taken for professional course by the Economically Weaker Students;

3. Strengthening and expansion of the Scheme for Remedial Coaching for students from SC/ST/minority communities, in higher education;

4. ‘Equal Opportunity Offices’ to be created in all universities for effective implementation of schemes for disadvantaged sectors of the society;

5. A new policy on Distance Learning would be formulated;

6. Regional Centre/Campus of Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarkantak to be started in the state of Manipur;

7. Model degree colleges would be established in 100 districts with significant population of weaker sections and the minorities;

8. 100 women’s hostels would be sanctioned in higher educational institutions located in districts with significant population of weaker sections and the minorities; 9.

Administrative Other Initiatives

1. Review of the functioning of the existing Deemed Universities;

2. Operationalsing newly established 12 Central Universities and 2 new IITs;

3. Academic reforms (semester system, choice-based credit system, regular revision of syllabi, impetus to research, etc. which are already mandated under the Central Universities Act, 2009) to be introduced in other Central Educational Institutions;

4. Modernisation of Copyright Offices;

5. 5000 colleges/university departments to be provided with broadband internet connectivity under the “National Mission on Education through ICT”;

6. Assistance would be provided to States to establish at least 100 new polytechnics (over and above assistance already provided for 50 polytechnics in the last financial year) in districts without any polytechnic at present, States would also be assisted for the construction of 100 women’s hostels in the existing polytechnics and for upgrading 50 exiting polytechnics;

7. Approvals would be obtained for establishing 10 new NITs in the un-served States so that every State has one earmarked NIT;

8. Operationalising 700 revamped Community Polytechnics for skill development of rural youth;

9. Direct credit of scholarship into the bank accounts of 41,000 boys and 41,000 girls every year, under the new Merit Scholarship Scheme for students in the universities and colleges.

Source: PIB, GoI

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

This Saturday, March 7, 2009 K-Circle is hosting a Quiz Fest at ISB from 9 am to 4 pm.  There are two categories - Business Quiz and Open Quiz.  Promises to be an interesting fair...